God Created the Integers

A Comprehensive Overview: God Created the Integers by Stephen Hawking


"God Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History" is a curated anthology edited by Stephen Hawking, first published in 2005. The title is inspired by a famous quote attributed to the mathematician Leopold Kronecker: "God made the integers; all else is the work of man." The book is a celebration of the greatest mathematical works throughout history, offering readers insight into the minds and discoveries of some of the most influential mathematicians. Hawking's selections span several centuries and cover a wide range of topics in mathematics.

Structure and Content

The book is divided into chapters, each dedicated to a particular mathematician and their groundbreaking work. Each chapter includes a biographical essay by Hawking, providing context and commentary on the significance of the mathematician’s contributions. This is followed by excerpts from the original texts, translated into English where necessary.

Part I: Euclid

Biography and Contributions

Hawking begins with Euclid, often referred to as the "father of geometry." Living around 300 BCE, Euclid's work laid the foundational principles of geometry. His most famous work, "Elements," is a compilation of all the knowledge in geometry at his time and has been used as a textbook for centuries.

Featured Work: "Elements"

In "Elements," Euclid systematically presents the principles of geometry in a logical and rigorous manner. The book covers basic geometric shapes, the properties of numbers, and the theory of proportions. Hawking’s introduction explains how Euclid’s axiomatic approach influenced not only mathematics but also the methodology of scientific inquiry.

Part II: Archimedes

Biography and Contributions

Next, Hawking introduces Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, and astronomer who lived around 287-212 BCE. Archimedes made significant contributions to the understanding of geometry, calculus, and mechanics.

Featured Work: "On the Sphere and Cylinder"

In "On the Sphere and Cylinder," Archimedes explores the properties of spheres and cylinders, deriving formulas for their surface areas and volumes. Hawking highlights Archimedes’ method of exhaustion, an early form of integration, and its impact on the development of calculus.

Part III: Diophantus

Biography and Contributions

Hawking introduces Diophantus, a Greek mathematician known as the "father of algebra." He lived around 250 CE and made significant contributions to algebraic notation and the solution of algebraic equations.

Featured Work: "Arithmetica"

"Arithmetica" is Diophantus’s most famous work, consisting of a series of books dealing with the solution of algebraic equations. Hawking discusses how Diophantus’s methods laid the groundwork for modern algebra and influenced later mathematicians such as Fermat and Euler.

Part IV: René Descartes

Biography and Contributions

René Descartes, a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, is introduced next. Living from 1596 to 1650, Descartes is known for his work in philosophy and mathematics, particularly his development of Cartesian coordinates.

Featured Work: "Geometry"

In "Geometry," Descartes introduces the Cartesian coordinate system, which revolutionized the study of geometry by providing a bridge between algebra and geometry. Hawking explains how this work laid the foundations for analytic geometry and calculus.

Part V: Isaac Newton

Biography and Contributions

Hawking introduces Sir Isaac Newton, whose work in mathematics, physics, and astronomy fundamentally transformed our understanding of the natural world. Newton's contributions to calculus, optics, and the laws of motion are monumental.

Featured Work: "Principia Mathematica"

The featured text is Newton’s "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), commonly known as the "Principia," published in 1687. In this work, Newton formulates the laws of motion and universal gravitation. Hawking’s introduction highlights Newton’s development of calculus (which he called the method of fluxions) and its critical role in his laws of motion and gravitation.

Part VI: Leonhard Euler

Biography and Contributions

Leonhard Euler, a Swiss mathematician and physicist who lived from 1707 to 1783, made significant contributions to a wide range of mathematical fields, including calculus, graph theory, and topology.

Featured Work: "Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum"

In "Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum," Euler lays the groundwork for modern analysis. He introduces concepts such as the exponential function, the logarithm, and the trigonometric functions in their modern forms. Hawking discusses Euler’s influence on the formalization of calculus and his contributions to number theory and combinatorics.

Part VII: Carl Friedrich Gauss

Biography and Contributions

Hawking introduces Carl Friedrich Gauss, a German mathematician who made significant contributions to number theory, statistics, analysis, differential geometry, and many other fields. Gauss lived from 1777 to 1855.

Featured Work: "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae"

"Disquisitiones Arithmeticae," published in 1801, is Gauss’s seminal work in number theory. It systematically presents the results and methods of number theory, including the theory of quadratic forms and modular arithmetic. Hawking highlights Gauss’s rigorous approach and the lasting impact of his work on mathematics.

Part VIII: Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Biography and Contributions

Hawking introduces Augustin-Louis Cauchy, a French mathematician who lived from 1789 to 1857. Cauchy made substantial contributions to analysis and the theory of complex functions.

Featured Work: "Cours d'Analyse"

In "Cours d'Analyse," Cauchy lays the foundations for rigorous calculus, introducing concepts such as limits, continuity, and the derivative. Hawking explains how Cauchy’s work helped to formalize and rigorize the methods of calculus.

Part IX: Georg Cantor

Biography and Contributions

Hawking introduces Georg Cantor, a German mathematician who lived from 1845 to 1918. Cantor is best known for creating set theory and developing the concept of infinity in mathematics.

Featured Work: "Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers"

Cantor’s "Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers" presents his groundbreaking work on the theory of infinite sets and transfinite numbers. Hawking discusses Cantor’s revolutionary ideas about different sizes of infinity and their profound impact on mathematics and philosophy.

Scientific and Educational Contributions

"God Created the Integers" is an invaluable resource for understanding the historical development of mathematical thought. By presenting these seminal works alongside his insightful commentary, Hawking enables readers to explore the evolution of mathematical ideas and their profound impact on science and society.

The book not only highlights the achievements of these great mathematicians but also illustrates the cumulative nature of mathematical progress. Each mathematician built upon the work of their predecessors, advancing our understanding of mathematics through rigorous reasoning, creativity, and innovation.

Philosophical and Cultural Impact

The title of the book reflects the idea that fundamental mathematical concepts, such as integers, are inherent in the universe, while the complex structures built upon them are human creations. This theme resonates throughout the book, emphasizing the beauty and elegance of mathematical discoveries and their foundational role in our understanding of the natural world.

Hawking’s biographical essays provide insight into the personal lives, challenges, and triumphs of these great mathematicians, humanizing them and making their achievements more relatable. The book also underscores the broader cultural and philosophical implications of their discoveries, encouraging readers to reflect on the nature of mathematical inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge.

Visual and Didactic Elements

"God Created the Integers" is enhanced by its visual and didactic elements. Hawking includes diagrams, illustrations, and annotations that aid in understanding the complex mathematical concepts discussed in the original texts. These visual aids, combined with Hawking’s explanatory notes, make the book more accessible to readers who may not have a background in advanced mathematics.


"God Created the Integers" by Stephen Hawking is a masterful compilation that bridges the gap between historical mathematical texts and modern readers. By presenting the original works of some of the greatest mathematicians in history, along with his own insightful commentary, Hawking offers a comprehensive overview of the development of mathematical thought.

The book is an essential resource for anyone interested in the history of mathematics, the evolution of our understanding of the universe, and the remarkable individuals who have shaped modern mathematics. It stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of these mathematical giants and their contributions to our understanding of the natural world. Through this collection, Hawking not only honors their achievements but also inspires future generations to continue exploring and expanding the frontiers of human knowledge.